
Ancient Church Orders Reviewed

Paul L. Bradshaw, Early Church Orders Revisited, Joint Liturgical Studies 80 (Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2015). This little book was my Christmas present to myself this year. (Along with Günter Wand’s recording of Bruckner 8 in Lübeck Cathedral – magnificent.) I’d been wanting to read it for some months, and the


On Glory

Then out spake brave Horatius,    The Captain of the Gate:“To every man upon this earth    Death cometh soon or late.And how can man die better    Than facing fearful odds,For the ashes of his fathers,    And the temples of his gods, “And for the tender mother   


Clement of Alexandria: On the Passover

This is the first ever English translation of the fragments of Clement of Alexandria’s treatise On the Passover. The merits of this translation are due principally to the exertions of my Saturday morning Greek class: Ben Horvath, Dave Scherer, Jack Weisensel, Tyler Davis, Kevin Russell, and Eric Kanis. I have


Joyful Orthodoxy

“A schism is fueled by people who, little by little, latch themselves on to the notorious doings of the opposition.” – Yves Congar, O.P. One of the potential pitfalls of striving to be holy is the temptation to schism. This hazard is not unique to Christianity – Islam, for instance,